Everything You Need To Know About a 1031 Improvement Exchange

August 28, 2024

There’s a chance you’ve already heard about the 1031 real estate exchange that allows you to sell one property and purchase another replacement property to avoid capital gains taxes. But did you know about the 1031 improvement exchange, also known as a construction or build-to-suit exchange?

This mechanism allows investors to not only defer capital gains taxes, but also to customize or improve the replacement property. Here’s a deep dive into the mechanics, benefits and considerations of 1031 improvement exchanges.

What Is a 1031 Improvement Exchange?

A 1031 improvement exchange is a variation of the standard 1031 exchange, governed by Section 1031 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). While a traditional 1031 exchange permits the deferral of capital gains taxes on the sale of an investment property by reinvesting the proceeds into a like-kind property, an improvement exchange goes a step further: it allows investors to use the exchange proceeds to also fund significant improvements or construction on said property.

How Does It Work?

The process of a 1031 improvement exchange involves several critical steps:

  1. Sale of the relinquished property: The investor sells their existing investment property, often referred to as the relinquished property.
  2. Engagement of a Qualified Intermediary (QI): The proceeds from the sale are held by a QI to ensure the transaction remains within the bounds of the IRC regulations. The investor cannot directly receive the funds.
  3. Identification of replacement property: Within 45 days of the sale, the investor must identify potential replacement properties, including those requiring improvements.
  4. Acquisition and improvement phase: The Exchange Accommodation Titleholder (EAT) acquires the replacement property title on behalf of the investor. The EAT then pays for improvements with funds held by the QI.
  5. Completion of the exchange: The improvements must be completed, and the new property must be formally transferred to the investor within 180 days of the sale of the relinquished property.

Benefits of 1031 Improvement Exchanges

  1. Tax deferral: Similar to a standard 1031 exchange, the primary benefit is the deferral of capital gains taxes, which can significantly enhance cash flow and investment potential.
  2. Customization and value addition: Investors can customize the replacement property to better suit their investment needs, potentially increasing the property’s value and return on investment.
  3. Flexibility: This type of exchange offers flexibility in property selection, allowing for the purchase of underdeveloped or distressed properties that can be improved.

Considerations and Challenges

While the benefits are compelling, 1031 improvement exchanges come with their own set of challenges and considerations:

  1. Strict timelines: The 45-day identification period and 180-day completion window are non-negotiable. Failure to adhere to these deadlines can result in disqualification of the exchange.
  2. Complex regulations: The rules governing 1031 exchanges are intricate and require meticulous adherence. Professional guidance from tax advisors and legal experts is essential.
  3. Risk management: The construction or improvement phase can introduce additional risks, such as cost overruns, construction delays and regulatory hurdles, which must be managed effectively.
  4. Qualified Intermediary: The role of the QI is crucial in these transactions. Choosing an experienced and reputable QI can make the difference between a successful exchange and a costly mistake.


A 1031 improvement exchange is a powerful mechanism for real estate investors seeking to maximize their investments through tax deferral and property enhancement. By understanding the intricacies of this strategy and seeking appropriate professional guidance, investors can unlock new opportunities for growth and profitability in their real estate portfolios. As with any investment strategy, thorough planning, risk assessment and compliance with regulatory requirements are key to achieving the desired outcomes.

Discover the possibilities with an improvement exchange. National 1031 is your expert in guiding you through a 1031 exchange and serving as your Qualified Intermediary. Contact us today with your 1031 exchange questions using the form below.